took her for a walk around the block to get her to “go” b/c she had wicked bad gas. We were out for 40 mins. She is very good on the lead and I am getting her to ‘sit’ before we cross a road. She did not like the crate at first, she cried and whine for the first 2-3 hours but did finally fall asleep. We tried leaving her in the livingroom as per my gf’s suggestion but we moved her into the bedroom hoping she’d calm down faster and not keep our one neighbor up (in the event his bedroom was near ours).
I woke up about 650 took her outside and she did BOTH outside, peed within 5-10 steps of being down the stairs and she pooped after we circled the yard. She already knows where we walk in the yard, which is good to establish where her ‘safe’ boundary is.
I’m not sure if someone was working with her on this but she seems to have already almost perfected “sit”. I ask her to sit when I put her martingale collar on, take it off, a treat (she got for having a perfect night bathroom wise after she went outside), and to cross streets.
She does not yet seem to have interest in the ferrets, she did sniff their cage so the next adventure will be having her leashed up on the couch (b/c they can get at her we want to be able to control their approach to her) while they have their free run today.
-Melissa, Michael and Serenity.
Sent: October 30, 2010 5:59 PM
To: adoptions@uppercredit.com
Subject: Update on Serenity
Well today is the day in October that we chose for her birthday as we were told she was born sometime in October. She has really come into her own and enjoys playing with her older brothers and sister (the ferrets). Although we are still working through her issues with Michael (she still insists on barking at him when he gets up from the couch, comes home from work and sometimes when he comes into the bedroom at night), she has become a very good companion.
She enjoys walks, the dog park, and car rides, especially car rides. She has found a certain tone of squeaker toy that she enjoys squeaking and the tells us when she does not like a toy by tearing it to shreds leaving a wake of stuffing up and down the hallway.
She still spends her days in the crate while I’m at school (as we almost have house training down and are working on leaving things she should not touch alone) and gets excited when Michael beats me home as he gets to play the hero and give him lots of licks (I’m pretty sure he spoils her with the odd cheese slice here and there).
She gets a fresh bone every 2 weeks or so from the butcher shop 4 doors down and she sits very patiently outside the door and waits for me to come out with it because she knows that there is usually something in the bag for her.
She is such a shutter bug. She will not allow me to take other pictures when she is around unless I take a few of her while I’m taking photos.
Serenity spent her summer moving back and forth from Heidelberg to Alliston as I had to go back up north to work for the summer so we came home on weekends. She did very well with that kind of stressful situation and got to spent a lot of time with her best friend Kosha.
She has become such a wonderful companion and we would not have traded her for anything in the world. Thank you so much for rescuing her and allowing us to give her such a great home.
Mélissa, Michael, and Serenity.
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