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Tessa and Nina (adopted March 23, 2014)

Tessa and Nina

Good morning!

Thanks so much for being so patient and supportive yesterday as we adopted
two beautiful Russian blues into our family.

Here is a photo. They are warming up to their new environment.

Thanks again,

Rita and Andrew

Temperance (adopted March 23, 2014)


Just a short note to let you know Temperance is adjusting great at her new forever home. She is so super sweet and such a cuddler. We all love her to bits already.

Salem – our other senior cat who is also 15 - is slowly coming around and I think that they will bond nicely.

She is meant to be a part of our family. Thank you for taking such good care of her.

Joanne, Dave, Braden & Faith
Salem & Temperance

Nero (formerly known as Maxwell)


Hi guys,

Time has gone by and I wanted to send a big thank you.

Everyone at Upper Credit Humane Society worked hard to find a home for a troubled young dog that I adopted a few years ago. Thank you for giving this kid another chance. We are so happy together. I've never met a dog more loyal. The kid has his issues, but I knew what I was getting into and it's amazing what stability, patience, and positive training can do.

Years later and his tail still wags every time I look at him. I can't be in a bad mood when he does his happy dance before we go to the park. Everyday I rush home to see that face. This dog means the world to me. You have no idea. Years later and I'm still giddy when I think about him. I'm so lucky I got this dog. We were made for each other.

When he was adopted everyone was so happy he found a home and considered him a very lucky dog. I think I'm the one that is lucky to have him. Seriously, he’s such a good dog. He won't wrong you. He thrives off being a good boy.

Thank you guys so much for saving my dog. He is family. I can't imagine life without this kid. 

Your staff do what they do to better the lives of animals. No one says thank you. Please tell your shelter staff, from the bottom of my and Nero's heart, thank you!

Natalie and Nero aka Maxwell