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Dear friends,

We've been in our new home for four weeks now, and have decided to stay. Our new people are very kind and patient with us.
Summa has been renamed Samson (but they call him Sammy). He feels very much at home and eats everything that's left in the bowls. If he keeps on like that he'll be a fat pascha in a few years. They call me Koki and sometimes Coconut - when I'm being especially nutty - but they do know that I'm Kokanee.

I had a few problems at first, but it's improving very fast now. First I hid in the basement ceiling beside a vent. It must have looked like I was stuck, because they got me out of there and closed the entrance. Then I had to bite the big guy who caught me (at that moment the resident cat walked into the room, and I really panicked) and found a new spot with more room. They decided to leave me after that and put food and water in a convenient and high place. Now I stay there only during the day when I want to sleep in peace.

Sammy and I explored the new place at night when everything was quiet, but the resident cat didn't like that and kept hissing and growling. Our new woman would wake up and sit with us a while - she has a nice warm lap. Now I go up at night and jump unto her bed, it's nice and cosy and the night air comes through the open window. After a week Sammy lived more upstairs than in the basement, he's taken over up there now. I go up quite often now too, but I'm still very careful to keep distance between me and that big human! However, he plays with us and gives us treats, so he's probably a very nice person - just so big and strong.

The house is much larger than the shelter, and we get plenty of exercise running from one end to the other and jumping unto the window sills. We can watch everything that happens outside and if it's not too hot outside the windows are open and we can sniff and hear everything through the screens.

I hope Muskoka finds a good home soon too. Perhaps the article in last week's "Independent" will help - but by the way, I think the photo is of me, not of Muskoka; we're not that identical, are we? Check that . . .

Say hallo to all our old friends



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