Max and Mia came to us in May and this delightful brother and sister German
Shepherd duo spent almost seven months with us at UCHS. At 7+ years of age
and hoping to be adopted together, two articles were written about their
need for a home. As a final thrust a new article was written about how well
they had endured life at the Shelter and suddenly a Christmas miracle
happened when an adoptive family answered their call. On Friday, December
17th, to the absolute happiness of everyone connected to UCHS, Staff,
volunteers, and the public who asked about them, Max and Mia left the
Shelter in the company of their new "Mum and Dad"tails held high and
We are without question always happy whenever one of our residents gets a
new chance at a happy life, but Whicken, Max and Mia with their special
circumstances and sweet, serene natures being adopted during this Season
gave a new meaning to why everyone who is connected with the Upper Credit
Humane Society does what they do.
Update Jan 22/11
Hi Karen and staff at Upper Credit
Just a quick note to let you know that Max & Mia are doing great, and really settling into their new home and new routines! They are both very relaxed and happy, and are losing some of the dominance & dependence issues, and just relaxing being dogs!! J They enjoy their walks mostly twice a day, and Hans goes much further, running and walking with Max so he is very much enjoying that! Mia enjoys her walks too, she gets out twice a day, and we do a good little jaunt together. She is becoming more outgoing, and more interested in toys and treats, etc.
We are working on helping Mia lose some weight and become more active, and the vet said it would be helpful to know what her weight was when she came into the shelter, and what it was when we adopted them. Would you be able to look in their file for that information for me?
I haven’t got pictures to you yet, but I will. We are very much enjoying them – they are such lovely dogs, and a great addition to our family!
Talk to you soon.
Just great!
ReplyDeleteWhicken is very happy here with us! We call her "Wicki" though now ;-) She started out nervous and reclusive but now she's a total lapcat. She loves to roll around on her back on the carpet too. She races us up to our bedroom at night to secure a "great spot" on our bed for the night. We think she's very happy here and we thank the shelter for not giving up on her, she's very special!
ReplyDeleteDan and Shenelle