On June 15,2015, we adopted Hansel and Nandi (we call her Mandi now). Hansel had been at the shelter a long time and
overlooked because apparently he was quiet. We thought he was very nice. He was
in one room. From the second room we chose Nandi. She seemed sweet. We have an
open concept house. We prepared to keep them in an area in the kitchen to get
them used to all their new things. Hansel came out of the carrier and looked
around. As for Mandi, we saw her back end up and over the cardboard barrier and
she was in hiding for the next two days. I don’t even think she knew Hansel was
there. She hid in a large workspace with a lot of stuff in it. We gave her
everything she needed and left the door closed so we knew at least she was in
there. On the third morning, my husband opened the door to this room and left
it. Two hours later, I found Hansel and Mandi together! They have become fast
friends. She follows him everywhere. They run around the house sounding like
elephants. They love to play with toys and spend a lot of time side by side
looking out the door. Hansel is definitely not a quiet cat. He is very
friendly. They are still a bit skittish, especially Mandi, but they are coming
around and learning about their new home. They love to be petted. They were a
good choice.
Thank you.
Kathryn and Wayne