Click the link below to visit our website for contact info. Send us an email with a few pics or links and let us know how your new family member is doing.
It has been less than 1 week and Timmy is now part of the
family. Attached is a picture of Timmy and our daughter Taylor. In bed, is
Timmy and our 15 year old cat Panda. Panda has green eyes and Timmy has hazel
but it is amazing how similar markings they both have. Panda doesn’t seem to
mind Timmy in the house and as you can see, she is allowing him to join her on
the bed. Pretty amazing for only 7 days!!
Just wanted to let you know that Snow Drop (now being called Layla) has
done very well adjusting to her new home. She is a delight. We love her energy
and cannot hear her purring motor enough!! Our only question for you is about
her not covering up in the litterbox after she has done her business...Do you
have any suggestions for us so we may help her with this?